5 Korean Snacks That Go With Coffee

Korea definitely has a unique culture and diverse array of food choices.  I personally lived there for over a year, and think that it is great to see their entertainment and food also now making its way to the US.

Some Korean foods Americans would definitely think are strange (some of them are weird even to local Koreans)

4 Ways To Spice Up Your Coffee And Your Health

Spices are perhaps the easiest way to upgrade your morning cup of coffee, and many of these spices also come with a surprising list of health benefits. You probably should avoid adding all of these together at once if you want your coffee to taste halfway decent. But, add one or two and you’ll get a tastier drink and a healthier body. And, keep in mind, despite links that we’re providing to scientifically substantiated claims, it’s always best to consult your physician regarding any diet or health changes you are thinking about.

1) Ceylon Cinnamon