Why and How To Make A Coffee Blend

There are many reasons that coffee roasters might make a coffee blend.  By making your own coffee blend, you are making a unique flavor that nobody else can duplicate.  It’s like having your own secret coffee farm whose ingredients only you know ((Continued))

How To Better Smell Your Foods and Drinks

Most people know that taste and smell are closely aligned. And, many people talk about how to properly taste food (us included here), and vaguely give tips about smelling.

Those tips for smelling your food before eating it generally just revolve around actually doing it and being conscious of it. But how can you enhance that experience even further?

Well, there are a few ways:

A guide to properly tasting drinks

Okay, so, you know fancy shmancy people taste wines and things like that and pull out all these “notes” while you’re sitting there thinking, “ummm… this kind of tastes like… red?” Well, it’s not that you’re wrong...