The Papua New Guinea Kiam coffee comes from the Jiwaka province. The Jiwaka province comprises 3 districts and is a combination of all of their names: Jimi, Waghi, Kambia. There is a very fertile valley with a river running through this province. The coffee itself grows on the high-side of the valley in the highlands. This gives it the elevation that coffee plants love, while getting the benefits from the lush valley and river down below. The locals grow both coffee and tea in this area and export it all over the world.

The whole region of Papua New Guinea itself has formed in what’s called the “ring of fire.” This is a highly volcanic section of the planet. Papua New Guinea gets the benefit of all of the additional minerals that come from volcanic activity, on top of what the freshwater rivers bring to the area. The Jiwaka region is roughly in the middle of Papua New Guinea and is fairly populated, with a total of about 350,000 inhabitants, many of which are in the coffee business.
About the Papua New Guinea Coffee:
An extraordinary amount of care goes into selecting the best coffee beans and taking them to market. The Kiam Mill in this area is extremely selective with their coffees. Farmers may only drop off coffee beans that have been picked that very same day. Once at the mill, they are pulped, washed, and sun-dried. To maintain quality while exporting, the Papua New Guinea Kiam coffee is transported in a way to avoid the more humid regions. This results in multiple journies, totaling over 300 miles traveled.
The main coffee varietals from this region are Bourbon and Caturra. The Arusha varietal is also used, but is a subspecies of the Bourbon type. The Blue Mountain varietal is a mutation from the Typica subspecies. The Blue Mountain varietal has experienced much fame from Jamaica.
Growing side-by-side to teas is fairly unique. With the cross-pollination and selective breeding of the coffee plants, tea and dark fruit flavors subtly dance on your tongue as you taste this coffee. There is also a hint of sugar cane and caramel with our particular batches. These particular flavor profiles aren’t really seen elsewhere in this combination.
Cookie Pairing:

The Japanese Taro cookie is an unlikely but perfectly paired match. The taro root provides a nutty and almost vanilla-like flavor. This helps bring out the sweeter features of the Papua New Guinea Kiam coffee. The sugar cane and fruit flavors will become an interesting swirl in your mouth. Be sure to take these steps to trick your brain into getting the best flavors from each of these delicious treats.