For those of you unfamiliar with My Subscription Addiction, they are the original and the biggest site for covering everything subscription box related.
MSA lists and links to the subscription boxes, provides reviews, deals, and more. For those that like to try out a wide variety of subscription boxes, or to find a place to uncover some hidden subscription gems, My Subscription Addiction has become the go-to place to do so.
That is why, when they reached out to us to inform us that Match Made Coffee had been selected as a 2021 Reader’s Choice Award recipient, we were ecstatic.

Congratulations! Match Made Coffee has won our Reader’s Choice Award for 2021 for Coffee & Tea. We received thousands of votes from our readers, and are excited to share your win with you.
Arvy, from the MSA team
Now, to be clear, we aren’t the overall award winners here or anything like that. MSA hands out the awards based on categories. Match Made Coffee was selected specifically for the tea and coffee Reader’s Choice Award. A few other companies in that category also received a reader’s choice award.
Readers and customers picked Match Made Coffee from literally thousands of options in the category. We didn’t even realize the voting was going on. Otherwise, we might’ve tried to direct more people to vote for us. So, this really caught our team by surprise.
We are relatively small compared to many of the other companies in our category, so this is particularly amazing. Others receiving recognition in the coffee Reader’s Choice Award section include the multimillion-dollar behemoths Blue Bottle Coffee and Bean Box.
And, I’m happy to also point out that we’re the only coffee subscription box on this list (and anywhere else we’ve seen to date) that actively seeks to flavor pair its coffees with anything besides generic chocolate. But, that’s a pretty specific category that will probably take some time to grow. And, we do expect that category to continue to grow. Coffee is entering that “food pairing phase” that many things in the past have, that we’ve discussed here.
We had previously provided My Subscription Addiction with a coupon code for 10% off. You can still find it at the link, but we’ll share it here in case you missed it. Hopefully the incentive will help spread the good word: MSA10.
That coupon is good for 10% off any monthly or 12 ounce order for the first time. Be careful though, the prepaid 3 or 6 month options don’t get that discount. So, if you want the monthly box and the discount, be sure to order the month-to-month option. You can cancel anytime.
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