Costa Rica has 8 coffee growing regions, each with their own unique twists on things. Coffee is one of the top money-making industries for Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Tarrazu coffee is widely considered their best coffee.

The Tarrazu region is in a relatively central part of Costa Rica, in an interior mountain range. The coffees are grown on these mountains at an elevation of about 4,000 to 5,500 feet (1,200 to 1,700 meters).
The Tarrazu region is located in the San Jose province of Costa Rica. There are three districts (similar to a county) that comprise the Tarrazu region. The capitol district is San Marcos, with under 9,000 people living there. The other two districts are San Lorenzo, and San Carlos.

About the Costa Rican Tarrazu Coffee:
The Costa Rican Tarrazu coffees tend to be the most expensive and most sought after of the Costa Rican coffees. This is saying a lot, because the Costa Rican government literally makes it against the law to produce sub-par coffee. Coffee is such a valuable export to the country as a whole, and its land resources are so limited, that it cannot afford to not have anything but top-tier coffee grown.
This attention to detail is not only carried over from the types of plants selected, but the vast majority of this coffee is hand-picked. This is done to ensure that only the best coffee cherries ever make it to your cup. In a world where many people dislike or frown upon high-acidity coffees, Costa Rican Tarrazu coffee is widely renowned for it. Acidity has to be done right for the flavors to not clash or destroy your tastebuds. The Tarrazu coffee does it nicely. The complexity and brightness is all in alignment. All of this is reflected in its consistently high ratings and above market price.
Costa Rican Tarrazu coffee has very bright and popping flavors. It is higher in acidity, which provides that additional nuanced flavor. But this coffee also has a very full-bodied flavor, which is fairly rare for coffees with greater acidity. Generally, a lighter cup and feel comes along with such a composition. For these reasons we make sure the Costa Rican Tarrazu isn’t roasted quite as heavily. We want to make sure that the lighter notes and nuances still remain and aren’t roasted off.
Our Costa Rican Tarrazu coffees come with an interesting combination of flavors. On the deeper side of the flavors there are brown sugar and honey notes. But, if you breathe in the aroma and give a little chew to the coffee, your tastebuds will pick up light notes of red apple and cherry as well. This light fruitiness hidden underneath a deep, full-bodied coffee with the sweet honey and brown sugar notes is truly something extraordinary.
Cookie Pairing:

The salted caramel cream cookie brings about an interesting flavor combination. By combining this with the coffee you will really get a fuller feel for the honey/brown sugar/caramel combo. It makes a delicious and delicate, yet sweet, after taste that will linger for minutes on your tongue. Eat this one slowly and treasure the moment. This will surely delight even people who don’t typically enjoy lighter roasts of coffee.