Who first made cookies?

Cookies are a delicious snack that many of us assume came about relatively recently in human history.

This is not quite true though.  And, if you think about it, it makes sense.

What exactly is a cookie?

US Presidents and Coffee (Part 4 of 5)

Coffee is a pretty popular drink, and presidents are pretty popular people.  Wouldn’t you like to know what these two popular things have in common and are kind of weird about?

Sure you do.

Hidden Figures: Women in The Coffee Supply Chain

Quick, without thinking about it, picture an agricultural farmer from another country.

Have one in mind?

Was the person you had in mind a male?

Chances are that you, like myself, came to that conclusion without even thinking twice about it.

What Is Peaberry Coffee?

I still remember the first time I saw a Tanzanian peaberry coffee.  I was searching for a brand new type of coffee and wanted something exotic.

When I saw it I thought “Tanzania?  That sounds awesomely different.”

Then I thought, “Peaberry, what the heck is that?”

Can caffeine boost workouts?

It is no secret these days that caffeine and coffee can be a part of a healthy diet.  We have written about it numerous times.  You might still wonder though, “can caffeine boost workouts?” First, be sure to realize that there is a difference...