The World’s 3 Craziest Coffees From Animals

There are over 7 billion people on this planet. When you deal with such astronomically large, virtually incomprehensible numbers, what seems like the weirdest and most strange things you think nobody could possibly like, actually end up having quite the following. And, when you consider that coffee is the world’s most popular drug, well, there should be no surprise that there are some very peculiar coffees out there. We’ve compiled the best (or worst, depending on your level of coffee adventurousness), and detail the unique roles that the animal kingdom plays in bringing these unique coffees to life.

4 Ways To Pair Food With Your Coffees

Are you looking to have the best coffee tasting experience possible? Are you wondering what snacks, aside from what we provide, would really rock your morning? Wonder no longer. Keep these 5 tips in mind and not only will your coffees be awesome, but your food and drink pairing in general will be tremendous.

1) Pick 1 Flavor You Want To Maximize…

Two Reasons You Need Decaf Coffee

“Decaf coffee, what the heck?”

Chances are whenever you’ve been to a restaurant and ordered a coffee, and the wait staff had the audacity to ask whether you wanted regular or decaf, you had some form of the previous statement run through your mind. Apparently for people trying to cut back on coffee (“cut back on coffee, what the heck?”), getting decaf coffee is like Nicorette.

Now, I’m going to assume by the very nature of you reading this article, that you’re a coffee drinker. And, if you’re American, you’re probably helping put a significant dent in the 400 million cups of coffee that Americans drink each and every day. And, if you’re like me, you probably think that a very small portion of those were decaffeinated cups of coffee.

4 Ways To Spice Up Your Coffee And Your Health

Spices are perhaps the easiest way to upgrade your morning cup of coffee, and many of these spices also come with a surprising list of health benefits. You probably should avoid adding all of these together at once if you want your coffee to taste halfway decent. But, add one or two and you’ll get a tastier drink and a healthier body. And, keep in mind, despite links that we’re providing to scientifically substantiated claims, it’s always best to consult your physician regarding any diet or health changes you are thinking about.

1) Ceylon Cinnamon

Beat the Barista and Save a Few Bucks: 3 delicious coffee recipes you can make right now

Do you find yourself dropping $5 per coffee simply because you like the fancy shmancy add-ons you get when going to Starbucks or your local coffee shop? Do you sometimes catch yourself fighting between wanting to get a tasty coffee, but not wanting to leave your home?

Worry no more, here are 3 easy to make recipes that will have your neighbors lining up wanting theirs.

1) Homemade Hazelnut Mocha Smoothies

The Caffeinated Protein Shake: take your workout to another level

We’ve spoken numerous times about the benefit after benefit of coffee not just on your health, but specifically how it boosts your workouts. It doesn’t just perk you up so that you feel like taking on the world, it also helps burn fat and push harder.
But, lets be honest, few people are chugging a piping hot coffee before hitting up the gym, or bringing a mug of coffee to swig between sets. But, do you know what people do that with? Protein drinks. It’s time we merged the benefit of protein shakes with that of coffee.

Here’s what you need: