Does salt go with coffee?

It has been circulating around the Internet recently that salt goes well with coffee. Many of you may have heard this rumor. But is it true? According to Alton Brown, a famous chef, when asked “does salt go with coffee” he answered, yes! Now, obviously, if...

All the Different Coffee Brewing Methods

In the quest to find the best cup of coffee that most perfectly shapes your tastes and desired experience, the coffee brewing method itself is often overlooked. Sure, there are lots of tips to improve your cup of coffee. We’ve spoken in the past about things...

About Guatemala Nuevo Oriente Coffee

Geography and Geographical Features As you might have read in our blog all about Guatemalan coffees, there are 8 coffee growing regions. The Oriente region is one of the smaller but fast growing regions that borders Honduras. As you might know, “nuevo”...

About Costa Rican Tarrazu Coffee

Geography: Costa Rica has 8 coffee growing regions, each with their own unique twists on things. Coffee is one of the top money-making industries for Costa Rica and the Costa Rican Tarrazu coffee is widely considered their best coffee. From a trip to a Costa Rican...

About Papua New Guinea Kiam Coffee

Geography: The Papua New Guinea Kiam coffee comes from the Jiwaka province. The Jiwaka province comprises 3 districts and is a combination of all of their names: Jimi, Waghi, Kambia. There is a very fertile valley with a river running through this province. The coffee...

About Sumatra Mandheling Coffee

Geography: The Sumatra Mandheling coffee comes from Indonesia. A tiny area of islands in the north west part of Indonesia is responsible for all Mandheling coffees. The other two types of Indonesian Sumatra coffees being Lintong and Gayo. This section of Indonesia has...