Brazil Cerrado Coffee

Brazil Cerrado coffee has become one of the most popularly exported coffees in all of Brazil. Approximately 40 years ago, farmers from some neighboring regions began having coffee-growing issues, and many of those farmers moved to the Cerrado region. The Region The...

Top Gifts For Caffeine Lovers

Subscription Boxes for Caffeine Lovers We all know that subscriptions make the best gifts, right?  A regular gift comes just once and is one of many gifts that the gift recipient receives all at once.  If you really want to stand out, get them a 3 month subscription...

Caffeine and a power nap are scientifically great

Have you ever wondered which was better, caffeine or a power nap?  If you’ve ever drank significant quantities of coffee, you probably never thought that we would recommend caffeine and a power nap. But you would be wrong. First, you have to know why...

Cool coffee pots you can’t miss

Being in the coffee world, I see all sorts of cool coffee related stuff.  This can range from super expensive aged Japanese coffee to really horrible celebrity coffee advice. But, one things that seemed to always be steady, unchanging, and boring, were my coffee pots...

Is it okay to drink coffee and breast feed?

New mommies know all about the long list of things that they should not eat or drink while breastfeeding.  But, what about coffee?  Is it okay to drink coffee and breastfeed? The science is not 100% solid here.  It really depends on you and your...